Smart molecules for improved profitability in oil and gas production

Smart molecules for demanding well stimulation

Smart molecules for less water production

TouGas Oilfield Solutions is a technology company developing and commercializing chemistry based solutions for its customers in the global Oil & Gas industry.

TouGas technology is based on manufacturing excellence and a strong intellectual property position. We own an extensive portfolio of patents and patent applications covering manufacturing.

We are headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany and maintain sales offices in Houston, Texas USA and Tokyo, Japan to support our North American and Asian customer bases respectively.

Our partner Ecore Mena FZCA is representing TouGas in the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia and the State of Egypt.


We enable customers to reduce cost and to improve efficiency of their oil & gas operations. We provide engineered products and tailor made solutions for applications.

Well Stimulation​

Hydraulic Stimulation and Acid Stimulation are well established technologies to allow and improve the flow of oil and gas in conventional and unconventional reservoirs. We have developed a range of products to meet the needs of all kind of reservoir conditions.

Enhanced Oil Recovery​

Polymer Flooding has proven to be a very efficient technology to increase the oil recovery yield in reservoirs around the globe. We are developing and producing polymer-based products to allow implementing polymer flooding in challenging reservoir conditions.


Cementing is a critical part of well construction. Reliable cement placement is key to safe well operations. We provide a whole range of additives to support your cementing jobs and to meet customer requirements.

Chemical Services​

We provide product-development-services to customers in the Oilfield industry. Customers can utilize the extensive chemical know-how of the TouGas team to design new polymer-molecules. We develop manufacturing process up to commercial scale.


TouGas Oilfield Solutions offers a comprehensive product portfolio for oilfield applications. Our portfolio includes products for Stimulation Chemicals, Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) and Cementing. Our products and fluid designs lead to lower operating costs, improved production and lower capital spending.

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This is our Team

Dr. Karl Gerhard Seifert
Dr. Gregor Brodt
President & CEO
Rainer Ehses
Dr. Hajime Endo
Executive Consultant
Dr. Fatima Dugonjic-Bilic
VP Technology
Dr. Michael Fulhorst
VP Marketing and Sales
Yasuhiro Ogoshi
Executive Consultant

Latest news from TouGas

In March 2023 TouGas Oilfield Solutions celebrated 10th anniversary.

The whole TouGas team, customers and business partners got together and had great time with drinks and live music at Klassikstadt in Frankfurt am Main.

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